Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Weight Reduction or Weight Loss - What to Choose

Weight loss, slimming the minds of most people there is a perception that weight reduction is equivalent to losing weight, and success in achieving the desired shape is measured by dropping the weight in kilograms. But let us look at what may be "folded" weight.

Take in consideration of several options. The first - a man sat on a newly-cool semi-starvation diet (a huge calorie deficit), the second - the person is moderately restricted calorie intake, but it is a sedentary lifestyle or undertake only cardio-load, and the third option - the person is moderately restricted calorie intake and weight training in conducting gym (2-3 times per week).

Developments in the first version is very predictable - a person loses a lot of weight in a short time, sometimes with 1 kg per day. But, unfortunately, most of the lost weight falls on the water (about 50%). Why? Everything is simple - carbohydrate intake is minimized, and the sugar accumulated in the muscles, holds plenty of water. Accumulated carbohydrates are burned, releasing large amounts of water. Often, restricted and salt intake, which also in turn displays the water. To throw the weight as is muscle, because the protein is stored in the form of muscles, is the only nutrient that can be converted into glucose. And glucose is necessary for the successful establishment of the whole organism. Exception is the mode of ketones, but to achieve this mode takes a long time of adaptation. Yes, and the regime itself after it leads to a progressive recruitment of fat mass. So, the muscles constitute approximatively one third of throws off the weight. The remaining 20% are really fat, but for the time being, until the body can not move to a more economical mode. Often, this occurs in 3-4 days.
Then the proportion of fat lost by the weight decreases, preferring only muscle mass.

All this outrage lasts for as long as people do not fall through. And as soon as it happens, tortured and taught by experience the first thing the body will begin to accumulate fat mass, in order to avoid an energy crisis in the next time. Note that muscle mass without accompanying weight training and does not return to the original level. As a result, the old man gaining weight (and even with plus), but the percentage of fat is now greater than it was before the diet.

Option Two - people moderately restricted calorie, but leads a sedentary life. Yes, the weight will drop, but much slower than in the first case. Proportion of weight accounted for by oil, will be more. But the muscles in cutting calories will be burned by the body, for the same reasons as described above. As a result, the body over time adapts to the lack of calories and quite simply reduce their need for them. It is difficult to track - a little slow heart rate, body temperature dropped to fractions of a degree, but it will already be enough to get rid of the deficit.
On the other hand cardio load process will reduce weight quickly. They accelerate all processes - and the loss of fat and burning muscle and adaptation of the organism to the deficiency.

Option three - a moderate reduction in calories and weight training. Our bodies - just a clever self-regulating system and he can not afford to simultaneous recovery of the tissue and its combustion for energy purposes. But any injury associated with health risks, and the organism responds to its priority the restoration of damage. Traumatizing the muscle fiber weight-training, we force our body to restore them. Moderately curtailing caloric while we do not give the body an opportunity supercompensation these fibers, but burn existing in doing so he will not. Lose weight but will be less than in the previous two cases, but it will be 100% made up of fatty deposits. And habituation of the organism to such a regime can be stretched for years, but if you vary the diet and exercise, the device did not happen. The result - long-term possibility of losing only fat as long as you're happy with your body, regardless of how many extra pounds of fat.

There are also instances when the power slightly pared down, and varying mode allows you to simultaneously build muscle and burn fat. From this it follows that no weight will be reduced, and sometimes will grow, with a decrease in percentage body fat.

To sum up - weight loss does not always mean fat loss.

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