Saturday, May 29, 2010

Weidht Loss by Leaps and Bounds

When you're going to lose weight, it is important not only what you eat, but when you eat. The perfect break between meals is three hours. Eat more often - and the risk of obesity increases. Eat less - and are suffering from hunger, slow metabolism and the unbridled desire to bite some fast food.
Uneven meals - with too long or too short - cause our body is a real stress. Irregular meals promotes fat because that leads to:

1. Spontaneous desire to eat any product, usually chocolate, chips, etc.
2. Slow metabolism.
3. Overeating.
4. Increased levels of the hormone cortisol, responsible for weight gain.
5. Hungry pains.
6. Chronic fatigue.
7. Irritability, mood swings and depression.
It is therefore important to try to observe a three-hour gap between meals. The approximate schedule meal might look like this:
7:00 - The first breakfast. 10:00 - The second breakfast. 13:00 - Lunch. 16:00 - Lunch. 19:00 - Dinner.
Breakfast - the most important meal. Breakfast should be rich in proteins, can include, for example, eggs, cheese or other dairy products, sausage made from turkey. If you can not do without carbohydrates, include a breakfast menu fresh fruit or some cereal.
Second breakfast should be light and low carbohydrate. If you're not very hungry at this time, still try not to skip lunch, but limit yourself to a glass of juice or yogurt or some fruit.
Dinner should be balanced and include a source of protein (meat, fish or poultry) and a bit of useful carbohydrates, it is better only in vegetables or cereals. Some good fats from olive oil, nuts or avocado too will benefit.
Lunch may consist of carbohydrates is better only in the form of some fruit, cereal or at worst, a whole grain bun.
Dinner, as well as lunch, must be complete and well balanced. After dinner comes the so-called "zone of danger". Eating at this time caused only by psychological rather than physiological hunger. Only the desire to cheer yourself up may lead you to the refrigerator. When do you intend to lose weight, never eat in the "danger zone".
Of course, this schedule can be - and will - the exception, but it will be easier to lose weight, if you try to take a similar daily schedule. Try also have on hand, especially on the road or during working hours, any product that can quickly eat, for example, a second breakfast or snack - yogurt or a banana bottle.
You can change this schedule and adjust it under their own regime, but the interval between meals should be all the same three hours. Just remember that the sooner you start to eat, the better. Early breakfast increases metabolism and gives energy for the whole day. The last meal should take place no later than 20:00. If a strong feeling of hunger late at night or at bedtime may only drink a glass of unsweetened yogurt or yogurt. Usually this is quite enough to satisfy this meal, but not caused by psychological causes of famine.
One of the major problems frequently encountered by losing weight "on the clock" - is the emergence of feelings of hunger between meals. This usually happens when you missed your time, ate too much calorie or inadequate food. Try to include at each meal schedule protein products, grain products and a sufficient amount of fiber. This set will allow you to permanently delay the onset of famine. And do not skip meals in order to "save" calories. This will only lead to a breakdown and consumption as a result of more calories than you could eat without a permit.
If you eat well, but still feel hungry between meals, this may be caused by dehydration. Drink more water, thirst is often disguised as hunger. Increase, if necessary, the daily water consumption by up to 2 liters.

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