Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Low Carbohydrate - How Do Low Carb Diets Work?

Low carb diets, like the Atkin's diet have been around for a long time. Do they work? Are they safe? Read dietitian, Juliette Kellow's verdict on low carbohydrate diets.

Well Known Low Carb Diets

As well as the Atkin's diet, low carbohydrate is the basis for a number of diet plans, the list below shows some of the more well-known versions. The different types do have minor variations but all are basically low carb diets.

    The Atkin's Diet - probably the most famous, by Dr Robert Atkins
    High Protein Diet
    Stillman Diet
    Scarsdale Diet
    Hollywood Diet
    Ketogenic Diet
    Zone Diet
    Dukan Diet
    Go Lower

What Are Low Carb Diets?

Low carb diets are based on the premise that a diet very low in carbohydrate leads to a reduction in the body's insulin production, resulting in fat and protein (muscle) stores being used as its main energy source.

The aim of low carbohydrate diets is to force the body to use fat as its main energy source, when this happens a person produces 'ketone bodies' to fuel parts of the body that can not use fat as an energy source - the brain, and red blood cells, in particular. When this happens a person is said to be in a state of ketosis - characterised by smelly breath (an acetone smell like nail varnish) and side effects such as nausea and fatigue. 
What's Involved?

Basically you cut out virtually all carbohydrate from your diet and increase your protein and fat intake. So you cut out things like pasta, bread, rice and alcohol, yet you eat unlimited amounts of meat, cheese and butter. That's why the Atkin's diet claims to be so luxurious.
Do Low Carbohydrate Diets Work?

In the short term, most people who go on low carb diets do lose weight and they lose it very quickly. However, the majority of weight loss comes from loss of water and muscle tissue, not fat which is what you need to lose to keep the weight off. Also, if you're trying to lose weight permanently, losing precious lean muscle tissue is like sabotaging your own body. Muscle tissue is metabolically active, and burns calories even when you are at rest. A decrease in the amount of muscle tissue you have will lead to a decrease in the number of calories you need each day to maintain your weight, making it much harder to keep your weight under control when you stop following the low carb diet.
So Why Do It?

People are attracted to low carb diets as weight loss is very rapid, and we like to see instant results on the scales! Lots of Hollywood stars go on low carb diets because they need to drop a dress size for a film - they don't do it for permanent weight loss or good health.

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