Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Cellulite - fat deposits or disease?
Cellulite - is not the usual obesity. Ministry of Health of France, for example, have formally recognized his illness subcutaneous adipose tissue. Depending on the processes occurring in tissues differentiate fat, juicy and fibrous forms of cellulitis. Last, the most difficult to treat.

2. Who is exposed to cellulite?
Cellulites affects eight out of ten women - regardless of age, body build, weight and physical activity. It can be formed as early as fourteen years.

3. How cellulite is formed?
In healthy fat cells waste products go through the pores of the cell membrane and are carried away by the flow of blood. Violations of this mechanism leads to cellulite: membrane pores are blocked, waste products derived cells are not "outside", and the cell itself is calcined. These cells are grouped to form the connective tissue in solid to the touch islands that block the blood supply and lymphatic flow, which leads to further calcification of fat cells. If the compressed nerve endings, there are painful feelings. In addition, cellulite cells have a tendency to attract water, causing swelling of affected areas.

4. What causes cellulite?
As shown by studies in recent years, the main cause - hormonal disorders. Jogging moments in the development of cellulite - pregnancy, adolescence and menopause, the beginning and end of the course taking contraceptive pills. The development of cellulite is also influenced by poor diet, stress, pollution, lack of physical activity. Important role played by genetic predisposition.

5. How to diagnose cellulite?
To do this, gently squeeze the skin between thumb and index finger: the appearance of bumps - the so-called "orange peel" - demonstrates the initial stage of cellulite. It usually attacks the thighs, buttocks, popliteal depression, upper arms and abdomen.

6. Do the special of cellulite fat burners?
Weight loss products - an excellent tool: they are effective, if the cells retained normal capacity for work. If cellulite has gained in strength and cellular pores virtually blocked, then the funds should work well in combination with other methods of correction of cellulite.

7. How to fight cellulite?
To solve the problem of cellulite offered a whole galaxy of funds, the main representative of which is Hydroxycut.
Hydroxycut does not allow fluid to accumulate in the subcutaneous tissue, making it a homogeneous structure, without cellulite nodes, restores the walls of fat cells, increases blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Major components have pronounced antitsellyutnymi properties due to its unique vitamin and mineral composition. Contain natural phytohormones, the lack of which contributes to the appearance of cellulite. In addition, the regular occurrence primeneniepreduprezhdaet rastyazhekna skin.

8. What other methods are used today to treat cellulite?
Electrical stimulation of muscles and skin improves blood circulation and lymph flow, but if the blood and lymph vessels crushed cellulite islands, it is unfortunately of little help. This method is effective only after the removal of blocking factors. Massage and brush massage - the most effective prevention tools: they help improve blood circulation. However, massage is rarely "split" fossilized cells.

Tsellyulolipoliz - subcutaneous electrostimulation using special electrodes. This method is combined with manual massage to improve lymphatic outflow and quite effective if the patient is not frightened dvadtsatisantimetrovyh needles.

Liposuction - liposuction using a special syringe - is now widespread throughout the world. The method is effective for removal of fatty deposits only in certain places and not very effective, with significant excess weight and a uniform increase in the fat layer on the entire surface of the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. In both cases, everything depends on the skill and experience of the doctor. Furthermore, we must be prepared for complications that accompany any surgical intervention.

Ultrasound treatment - a relatively new method, based on the same principle that applies when removing plaque and fragmentation of kidney stones. The length of the ultrasonic wave can "split" soda cage and return it to viability. Ideally, the method is combined with a special manual massage to improve lymph drainage. However, before you rush to eliminate cellulite using these methods, do not forget to consult with your doctor if you show these procedures.

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