We all want to have an excellent shape and ideal weight, but that's going to the gym, to dream of a perfect body, and adhere to proper nutrition to lose weight, we do not always work. Most likely, all the problems of our own laziness and not wanting something to bring you start. But thanks to a new system of power James Peinter lose weight have a chance to even the laziest of us.
With what most often faced by all losing weight? Of course, disruptions in food, but it happens of psychological distress that arises because of the forced restrictions on food. And even at first glance, effective and well-advertised diet after they respect not keep the weight at the same level, and lead to the disruption, and as a result of further recruitment of kilograms.
Dietician Peinter interested in this fact and has developed a personal food system, experiments that simply overwhelmed by all. It was found that the experimental group consumed a any products, but they "ate" a lot fewer calories and do not suffer psychological discomfort. Dieticians also proved that the elementary counting calories for some time also causes psychological discomfort, so its power supply system can not accept this method.
Peinter sees the fundamental problem of obesity in modern humans is that in recent years an increasing number of urban dwellers consume food high calorie and fatty foods. In addition, the rapid pace of life now, more people are "pushing" for consumption, so-called fast-food products. And the rate of ingestion of the food simply astounded professor when he watched the visitors some cafes.
Needless to say yet how the "commotion" in the food affects the health of each of us. Therefore Peinter presented its power system based on three principles that allow to use even "bad" foods, but feel good and do not worry about their health.
First, perhaps the most important and key point of supply for Peinteru, is that food should be thoroughly chewed, slowly savoring every bite. Of course, every dish is recommended to prepare yourself, eliminating from their diet of fast food. All products are encouraged to cut as soon as smaller, in order to "stretch" the pleasure of the meal.
Secondly, saturation occurs only twenty minutes after eating, so a second principle follows from the first. The slow chewing of food will allow you to be satisfied prior to the time when you want to try one more serving dishes.
Thirdly, should be excluded from the diet, any juices, they will replace Fresh Fruit, which also should eat slowly, feeling the full flavor.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Callanetics: Road To Ideal Figure
Callanetics: Road To Ideal figure
Want to achieve an excellent result of training over a short period of time? Then you need to do Callanetics! This set of static exercises, which exclude the sharp movements and jumps and give visible results in just 10 lessons. This is no doubt at least based on personal experience itself the creator of this wonderful trend. Callan Pinckney has come to this literally over the thorns. She was born not quite foldable and life tormented problems with her hips. What she just did not try to do - ballet, diving, yoga. As a result, it has created its own program, combining and yoga, and ballet, and fitness. Now this is a successful woman who has over 50 years, but she still looks flawless.
How does callanetics works?
You notice that depending on how the sport deals with people differently evolving figure? And all because of different sports train different muscle groups - some muscles goes to the main load, some muscles she goes to all. To figure it acquired a harmonious shape - small waist and beautiful breasts, firm thighs, calves and so beautiful need to train all the muscles, without exception.
When you do aerobics or shaping you think that you train all - that shook the press, that's done squat, so did push-ups, etc. - Like all the muscles involved. No, in the human body is the muscle groups that most would not be used in our daily lives, they are deeply and essentially always "asleep". Callanetics helps them wake up and make a strong and beautiful. And what does the figure of a beautiful but beautiful muscles?
Callanetics a strain on all the muscle groups in each exercise, the load goes to several groups at once, and not just one specific group. Lesson Callanetics several times greater than on the effect of aerobics and shaping - 1 hour Callanetics and I think that you jumped on the 24-hour aerobics class? Callanetics affects the body in a complex - increases metabolism, burns fat, improves posture and wellbeing. After the class, you feel young, fresh, smart and energetic!
How to do exercises?
Callanetics does not require the presence in the gym, where a professional instructor will ensure that everything is correct you do. You need to know what exercises how to do. It is best to use video lessons, or detailed description of exercises where more clearly presented as everything must pass. If you have never tried a fitness area, the advance warning after the first lesson "sleeping" muscles wake up, so - will be hurt.
To start the exercises 3 times a week for an hour. After 10 sessions, ie somewhere after 3 weeks you have seen the result. If the result you are quite satisfied, you can do 1 hour a week just to maintain the achieved results, or for 10 minutes every day. There is a special 10-minute video program. Remember that classes should be scheduled without large intervals.
Callanetics contraindictions.
When you have health problems or you have recently had surgery, you should observe the rules of precaution:
1. after the operation must take not less than 1 year before you can start training
2. If there are problems with the spine or joints should consult with a doctor, some exercises may be harmful
3. if you have varicose veins, you will need to be excluded from training exercises in the legs
4. forbidden to engage in Callanetics, if there is asthmatic disease and hemorrhoids.
Want to achieve an excellent result of training over a short period of time? Then you need to do Callanetics! This set of static exercises, which exclude the sharp movements and jumps and give visible results in just 10 lessons. This is no doubt at least based on personal experience itself the creator of this wonderful trend. Callan Pinckney has come to this literally over the thorns. She was born not quite foldable and life tormented problems with her hips. What she just did not try to do - ballet, diving, yoga. As a result, it has created its own program, combining and yoga, and ballet, and fitness. Now this is a successful woman who has over 50 years, but she still looks flawless.
How does callanetics works?
You notice that depending on how the sport deals with people differently evolving figure? And all because of different sports train different muscle groups - some muscles goes to the main load, some muscles she goes to all. To figure it acquired a harmonious shape - small waist and beautiful breasts, firm thighs, calves and so beautiful need to train all the muscles, without exception.
When you do aerobics or shaping you think that you train all - that shook the press, that's done squat, so did push-ups, etc. - Like all the muscles involved. No, in the human body is the muscle groups that most would not be used in our daily lives, they are deeply and essentially always "asleep". Callanetics helps them wake up and make a strong and beautiful. And what does the figure of a beautiful but beautiful muscles?
Callanetics a strain on all the muscle groups in each exercise, the load goes to several groups at once, and not just one specific group. Lesson Callanetics several times greater than on the effect of aerobics and shaping - 1 hour Callanetics and I think that you jumped on the 24-hour aerobics class? Callanetics affects the body in a complex - increases metabolism, burns fat, improves posture and wellbeing. After the class, you feel young, fresh, smart and energetic!
How to do exercises?
Callanetics does not require the presence in the gym, where a professional instructor will ensure that everything is correct you do. You need to know what exercises how to do. It is best to use video lessons, or detailed description of exercises where more clearly presented as everything must pass. If you have never tried a fitness area, the advance warning after the first lesson "sleeping" muscles wake up, so - will be hurt.
To start the exercises 3 times a week for an hour. After 10 sessions, ie somewhere after 3 weeks you have seen the result. If the result you are quite satisfied, you can do 1 hour a week just to maintain the achieved results, or for 10 minutes every day. There is a special 10-minute video program. Remember that classes should be scheduled without large intervals.
Callanetics contraindictions.
When you have health problems or you have recently had surgery, you should observe the rules of precaution:
1. after the operation must take not less than 1 year before you can start training
2. If there are problems with the spine or joints should consult with a doctor, some exercises may be harmful
3. if you have varicose veins, you will need to be excluded from training exercises in the legs
4. forbidden to engage in Callanetics, if there is asthmatic disease and hemorrhoids.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Eight Signs of Woman Sexuality
For men a woman is a sexual object. Therefore, to be desired, must be sexual.
Consider the signs of sexuality.
1. Awareness of their own sexuality is akin to self-esteem. A woman who perceives himself sexually, necessary and desired, will be.
2. Sexy women like men and consider them good friends, with sincere sympathy to the men - one of the secrets of their attractiveness.
3. Sexy women love their bodies and happy with the way they look, finding in themselves and their appearance only minor defects. Love to his own body, perhaps another big secret of sex appeal.
4. Sexy women worry about sex and love him more than ordinary women. They no longer think of it, and make love more often than others, but find their own sexual life as satisfactory.
5. Sexy women have the capacity to multiple orgasms. About three-quarters of reach orgasm always or almost always. Ability to orgasm has a positive effect on the feeling of a woman's own sexuality and how it responds to man.
6. Women who are sexy, are more liberal in bed (this is always a man presumed) and they are initiating sex at least in half of all cases, unlike the ordinary women who begin sex themselves less often.
7. Men say that the sexy women better in bed. But they also say it is too beautiful women do not always behave in bed as well as their more simple friend.
8. Women typically have two kinds of fantasies - sexual and romantic. Sexy women often have a romantic fantasy, but not sexual. Found that readers of romantic novels are more sexy and get more pleasure from sex than those who do not read them.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Weidht Loss by Leaps and Bounds
When you're going to lose weight, it is important not only what you eat, but when you eat. The perfect break between meals is three hours. Eat more often - and the risk of obesity increases. Eat less - and are suffering from hunger, slow metabolism and the unbridled desire to bite some fast food.
Uneven meals - with too long or too short - cause our body is a real stress. Irregular meals promotes fat because that leads to:
1. Spontaneous desire to eat any product, usually chocolate, chips, etc.
2. Slow metabolism.
3. Overeating.
4. Increased levels of the hormone cortisol, responsible for weight gain.
5. Hungry pains.
6. Chronic fatigue.
7. Irritability, mood swings and depression.
It is therefore important to try to observe a three-hour gap between meals. The approximate schedule meal might look like this:
7:00 - The first breakfast. 10:00 - The second breakfast. 13:00 - Lunch. 16:00 - Lunch. 19:00 - Dinner.
Breakfast - the most important meal. Breakfast should be rich in proteins, can include, for example, eggs, cheese or other dairy products, sausage made from turkey. If you can not do without carbohydrates, include a breakfast menu fresh fruit or some cereal.
Second breakfast should be light and low carbohydrate. If you're not very hungry at this time, still try not to skip lunch, but limit yourself to a glass of juice or yogurt or some fruit.
Dinner should be balanced and include a source of protein (meat, fish or poultry) and a bit of useful carbohydrates, it is better only in vegetables or cereals. Some good fats from olive oil, nuts or avocado too will benefit.
Lunch may consist of carbohydrates is better only in the form of some fruit, cereal or at worst, a whole grain bun.
Dinner, as well as lunch, must be complete and well balanced. After dinner comes the so-called "zone of danger". Eating at this time caused only by psychological rather than physiological hunger. Only the desire to cheer yourself up may lead you to the refrigerator. When do you intend to lose weight, never eat in the "danger zone".
Of course, this schedule can be - and will - the exception, but it will be easier to lose weight, if you try to take a similar daily schedule. Try also have on hand, especially on the road or during working hours, any product that can quickly eat, for example, a second breakfast or snack - yogurt or a banana bottle.
You can change this schedule and adjust it under their own regime, but the interval between meals should be all the same three hours. Just remember that the sooner you start to eat, the better. Early breakfast increases metabolism and gives energy for the whole day. The last meal should take place no later than 20:00. If a strong feeling of hunger late at night or at bedtime may only drink a glass of unsweetened yogurt or yogurt. Usually this is quite enough to satisfy this meal, but not caused by psychological causes of famine.
One of the major problems frequently encountered by losing weight "on the clock" - is the emergence of feelings of hunger between meals. This usually happens when you missed your time, ate too much calorie or inadequate food. Try to include at each meal schedule protein products, grain products and a sufficient amount of fiber. This set will allow you to permanently delay the onset of famine. And do not skip meals in order to "save" calories. This will only lead to a breakdown and consumption as a result of more calories than you could eat without a permit.
If you eat well, but still feel hungry between meals, this may be caused by dehydration. Drink more water, thirst is often disguised as hunger. Increase, if necessary, the daily water consumption by up to 2 liters.
Uneven meals - with too long or too short - cause our body is a real stress. Irregular meals promotes fat because that leads to:
1. Spontaneous desire to eat any product, usually chocolate, chips, etc.
2. Slow metabolism.
3. Overeating.
4. Increased levels of the hormone cortisol, responsible for weight gain.
5. Hungry pains.
6. Chronic fatigue.
7. Irritability, mood swings and depression.
It is therefore important to try to observe a three-hour gap between meals. The approximate schedule meal might look like this:
7:00 - The first breakfast. 10:00 - The second breakfast. 13:00 - Lunch. 16:00 - Lunch. 19:00 - Dinner.
Breakfast - the most important meal. Breakfast should be rich in proteins, can include, for example, eggs, cheese or other dairy products, sausage made from turkey. If you can not do without carbohydrates, include a breakfast menu fresh fruit or some cereal.
Second breakfast should be light and low carbohydrate. If you're not very hungry at this time, still try not to skip lunch, but limit yourself to a glass of juice or yogurt or some fruit.
Dinner should be balanced and include a source of protein (meat, fish or poultry) and a bit of useful carbohydrates, it is better only in vegetables or cereals. Some good fats from olive oil, nuts or avocado too will benefit.
Lunch may consist of carbohydrates is better only in the form of some fruit, cereal or at worst, a whole grain bun.
Dinner, as well as lunch, must be complete and well balanced. After dinner comes the so-called "zone of danger". Eating at this time caused only by psychological rather than physiological hunger. Only the desire to cheer yourself up may lead you to the refrigerator. When do you intend to lose weight, never eat in the "danger zone".
Of course, this schedule can be - and will - the exception, but it will be easier to lose weight, if you try to take a similar daily schedule. Try also have on hand, especially on the road or during working hours, any product that can quickly eat, for example, a second breakfast or snack - yogurt or a banana bottle.
You can change this schedule and adjust it under their own regime, but the interval between meals should be all the same three hours. Just remember that the sooner you start to eat, the better. Early breakfast increases metabolism and gives energy for the whole day. The last meal should take place no later than 20:00. If a strong feeling of hunger late at night or at bedtime may only drink a glass of unsweetened yogurt or yogurt. Usually this is quite enough to satisfy this meal, but not caused by psychological causes of famine.
One of the major problems frequently encountered by losing weight "on the clock" - is the emergence of feelings of hunger between meals. This usually happens when you missed your time, ate too much calorie or inadequate food. Try to include at each meal schedule protein products, grain products and a sufficient amount of fiber. This set will allow you to permanently delay the onset of famine. And do not skip meals in order to "save" calories. This will only lead to a breakdown and consumption as a result of more calories than you could eat without a permit.
If you eat well, but still feel hungry between meals, this may be caused by dehydration. Drink more water, thirst is often disguised as hunger. Increase, if necessary, the daily water consumption by up to 2 liters.
Friday, May 21, 2010
40 and 2 Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting
On a strict diet for a long time not usidish, and promise to start on Monday a new life was difficult in practice feasible. Much more can be achieved, "refocus" in the selection of products, in the approach to cooking. In bookstores, the Internet a lot of information that tells how to lose weight without the help of various diets.
Motivation. You must be very willing to change and be sure that you will achieve the goal. Most important is your inner spirit for a positive result. If you wait for failure, and it will get. The last sentence, I believe, to the visitors of this website is not. Take visualization. All the time think about what slim and elegant, you'll be when lose weight. Each day, try to imagine their future appearance. Make an imaginary reality. Enjoy the process. Likely to lose weight will be greater if you start to consider your new life as a very pleasant thing. To succeed, you must like the process of changing habits.
Please change the type of exercises. You like to do on a stationary bicycle or jog in the morning? Be aware: The more you do any kind of physical activity, the more your body gets used to it, and therefore burns fewer calories. If you want to speed up the metabolism, change, at least for a time, the type of exercise. Since your body is not accustomed to new activity and to load new types of muscle, it will work with a vengeance, and will remain in this state over a long time after your workout.
Activities during the ICP. You can easily lose weight while working out during the last phase of the menstrual cycle than at any other time. Elevated levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone accelerates metabolism: they help the body burn fat deposits in the body. As shown by research, women burn 30% more calories during the two weeks after ovulation to two days before menstruation.
"Break" your TV. In addition to immobility, the TV is dangerous by the fact that he programs you to eat food that you contraindicated.
Stop diet or counting the number of calories eaten. More concerned about the quality of food intake than on the number of calories contained in it. Fasting should be done under medical supervision. Completely avoid rafinirovanngo sugar, eat more vegetables and fruits.
Eat when you are hungry. For a man who has decided to lose weight, there's nothing worse than skipping breakfast or other meals. The sooner you satisfy their hunger, the less likely pereedaniya.Eshte more protein increased protein content in each meal accelerates the metabolism. For the digestion of proteins, digestive system requires more energy to digest than fats or, for example, starches, so it burns more calories. In your diet protein should be 20-35%, with this ratio of body burns extra 150-200 calories a day.
Drink green tea. Green hour not only helps to fight with carcinogenic substances, it also has the ability to speed up the metabolism. According to studies, people who drink green tea 3 times a day, the metabolism is accelerated by 4%, meaning you can burn an extra 60 calories a day, which can lead to loss of about 3 kilograms per year.
Eat dairy products. Women who eat dairy products with low fat content 3-4 times a day, burn 70% more fat. Calcium induces the body to burn excess fat faster, and every day should consume 1,200 mg of calcium. Nevertheless, just take calcium pills is practically useless. The best result gives the consumption of dairy products themselves.
Eat fish. Those who regularly eats fish and seafood, in the body decreased levels of the hormone leptin. This is very good, because a close correlation between high leptin and low metabolism and obesity. Try 3-4 times a week to eat fish fat varieties: salmon, tuna and others.
Eat peanut butter. However paradoxical it may sound, peanut butter helps burn more calories. It is extremely rich in magnesium, minerals, metabolism. Daily dose of magnesium should be up to 320 mg: a sandwich with peanut butter on whole grain bread contains 100 mg of magnesium, 100 grams of spinach contains 80 mg of Magnesium.
Eat potassium. Potassium accelerates metabolism, regulating water balance in the body. Dehydrated body burns fewer calories. Most of potassium contained in bananas and dried fruits. Your daily dose of potassium should be at least 2,000 mg of potassium: One medium size banana contains 450 mg of potassium, a cup of milk - 370 mg, one orange - 250 mg.
Add in food spices. Add a little spice and / or pepper in the daytime or evening meal. According to research, spices, especially pepper, contribute to a temporary increase metabolism. The special ingredient found in burning spices, stimulates the body to release adrenaline, speeding up the metabolism and burning calories. Besides spices help to reduce appetite, apparently because psychologically people feel more satiated after spicy food.
Eat whole grains. In nature, arranged so that everything that contains complex carbohydrates, also contains vitamins B and E and fiber. B vitamins are involved in carbohydrate metabolism, and fiber slows down their digestion, so when you eat whole grains, your body receives the vitamins required for carbohydrate metabolism. At the same time you also have fiber, which promotes normal chair and healthy bowel. Therefore, avoid refined products! Denial of purified food and hydrogenated oils, eating more fruit and vegetables contributes to the normalization of metabolism and weight loss.
Right to curtail the consumption of calories. You can lose weight if you eat only when hungry, when you exercise regularly and avoid the consumption of empty calories.
Not starve. Sitting on calorie diet, you run the risk of subsequently gain more kilos. The body automatically goes to the regime of "starvation", slowing down the process of burning calories and digestion. And even after the return to normal diet in protest, he lays fat in reserve in case the next hunger strike. Our bodies are programmed to maintain their normal weight, so if you suddenly exclude from your diet 1000 calories, your metabolism automatically slows down. Dress trendy and tasteful. The appearance will add you confidence, and the need for "comfort" food will disappear. This is an incentive to monitor their figure.
Weigh Less. The water content in the body changes during the day to 0,5-1 kg, and muscle weighs more than fat.
Motivation. You must be very willing to change and be sure that you will achieve the goal. Most important is your inner spirit for a positive result. If you wait for failure, and it will get. The last sentence, I believe, to the visitors of this website is not. Take visualization. All the time think about what slim and elegant, you'll be when lose weight. Each day, try to imagine their future appearance. Make an imaginary reality. Enjoy the process. Likely to lose weight will be greater if you start to consider your new life as a very pleasant thing. To succeed, you must like the process of changing habits.
Please change the type of exercises. You like to do on a stationary bicycle or jog in the morning? Be aware: The more you do any kind of physical activity, the more your body gets used to it, and therefore burns fewer calories. If you want to speed up the metabolism, change, at least for a time, the type of exercise. Since your body is not accustomed to new activity and to load new types of muscle, it will work with a vengeance, and will remain in this state over a long time after your workout.
Activities during the ICP. You can easily lose weight while working out during the last phase of the menstrual cycle than at any other time. Elevated levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone accelerates metabolism: they help the body burn fat deposits in the body. As shown by research, women burn 30% more calories during the two weeks after ovulation to two days before menstruation.
"Break" your TV. In addition to immobility, the TV is dangerous by the fact that he programs you to eat food that you contraindicated.
Stop diet or counting the number of calories eaten. More concerned about the quality of food intake than on the number of calories contained in it. Fasting should be done under medical supervision. Completely avoid rafinirovanngo sugar, eat more vegetables and fruits.
Eat when you are hungry. For a man who has decided to lose weight, there's nothing worse than skipping breakfast or other meals. The sooner you satisfy their hunger, the less likely pereedaniya.Eshte more protein increased protein content in each meal accelerates the metabolism. For the digestion of proteins, digestive system requires more energy to digest than fats or, for example, starches, so it burns more calories. In your diet protein should be 20-35%, with this ratio of body burns extra 150-200 calories a day.
Drink green tea. Green hour not only helps to fight with carcinogenic substances, it also has the ability to speed up the metabolism. According to studies, people who drink green tea 3 times a day, the metabolism is accelerated by 4%, meaning you can burn an extra 60 calories a day, which can lead to loss of about 3 kilograms per year.
Eat dairy products. Women who eat dairy products with low fat content 3-4 times a day, burn 70% more fat. Calcium induces the body to burn excess fat faster, and every day should consume 1,200 mg of calcium. Nevertheless, just take calcium pills is practically useless. The best result gives the consumption of dairy products themselves.
Eat fish. Those who regularly eats fish and seafood, in the body decreased levels of the hormone leptin. This is very good, because a close correlation between high leptin and low metabolism and obesity. Try 3-4 times a week to eat fish fat varieties: salmon, tuna and others.
Eat peanut butter. However paradoxical it may sound, peanut butter helps burn more calories. It is extremely rich in magnesium, minerals, metabolism. Daily dose of magnesium should be up to 320 mg: a sandwich with peanut butter on whole grain bread contains 100 mg of magnesium, 100 grams of spinach contains 80 mg of Magnesium.
Eat potassium. Potassium accelerates metabolism, regulating water balance in the body. Dehydrated body burns fewer calories. Most of potassium contained in bananas and dried fruits. Your daily dose of potassium should be at least 2,000 mg of potassium: One medium size banana contains 450 mg of potassium, a cup of milk - 370 mg, one orange - 250 mg.
Add in food spices. Add a little spice and / or pepper in the daytime or evening meal. According to research, spices, especially pepper, contribute to a temporary increase metabolism. The special ingredient found in burning spices, stimulates the body to release adrenaline, speeding up the metabolism and burning calories. Besides spices help to reduce appetite, apparently because psychologically people feel more satiated after spicy food.
Eat whole grains. In nature, arranged so that everything that contains complex carbohydrates, also contains vitamins B and E and fiber. B vitamins are involved in carbohydrate metabolism, and fiber slows down their digestion, so when you eat whole grains, your body receives the vitamins required for carbohydrate metabolism. At the same time you also have fiber, which promotes normal chair and healthy bowel. Therefore, avoid refined products! Denial of purified food and hydrogenated oils, eating more fruit and vegetables contributes to the normalization of metabolism and weight loss.
Right to curtail the consumption of calories. You can lose weight if you eat only when hungry, when you exercise regularly and avoid the consumption of empty calories.
Not starve. Sitting on calorie diet, you run the risk of subsequently gain more kilos. The body automatically goes to the regime of "starvation", slowing down the process of burning calories and digestion. And even after the return to normal diet in protest, he lays fat in reserve in case the next hunger strike. Our bodies are programmed to maintain their normal weight, so if you suddenly exclude from your diet 1000 calories, your metabolism automatically slows down. Dress trendy and tasteful. The appearance will add you confidence, and the need for "comfort" food will disappear. This is an incentive to monitor their figure.
Weigh Less. The water content in the body changes during the day to 0,5-1 kg, and muscle weighs more than fat.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Magic Exercises Against Cellulite.
The first exercise against cellulite - jump rope. Yes, yes, jump rope that cellulite can not stand. Nothing cann't compare with this favorite of all the girls excercise. What, nowhere to do? It means that you don't have cellulite, if it is a problem for you. You can make it in the room, and everything is wonderful, simply choose the length of rope.
This exercise is very effective against cellulite. The only nuance - jump need a lot, at least 15 minutes. Tired - rest, walk around the room, but in any case not sit down. This is not only the result of scattered, and psychology - you will not rise again. And the rest - again for the rope. Starting with 15 minutes, bring it to work with this exercise, anti-cellulite up to 45 minutes per lesson, until you get the forms to which we strive, and slowly lower your back down to 15 minutes per lesson. As a result, you can and lose weight with a rope, and cellulite removed.
The second exercise, which is afraid of cellulite - hula-hoop, also known as the gymnastic hoop. Spin the hoop - it means not only to remove cellulite and stagnation of blood in the pelvic area (a problem for all who work while sitting), but to have a narrow waist, to solve problems with digestion and the spine. Bad? Designated exercises with a hoop in every apartment rife. The principle of cellulite exercises with a hoop is the same as with a rope, twisting it should not quantity, as we like, but at the time. Hoop fell - rose and abruptly on, and so for 15 minutes. Warning More than 15 minutes can turn the hoop, especially at night, excessive blood flow to the pelvis and the stomach is undesirable. 15 minutes, spun - exercise done, all thanks, and you will benefit immensely.
This exercise is very effective against cellulite. The only nuance - jump need a lot, at least 15 minutes. Tired - rest, walk around the room, but in any case not sit down. This is not only the result of scattered, and psychology - you will not rise again. And the rest - again for the rope. Starting with 15 minutes, bring it to work with this exercise, anti-cellulite up to 45 minutes per lesson, until you get the forms to which we strive, and slowly lower your back down to 15 minutes per lesson. As a result, you can and lose weight with a rope, and cellulite removed.
The second exercise, which is afraid of cellulite - hula-hoop, also known as the gymnastic hoop. Spin the hoop - it means not only to remove cellulite and stagnation of blood in the pelvic area (a problem for all who work while sitting), but to have a narrow waist, to solve problems with digestion and the spine. Bad? Designated exercises with a hoop in every apartment rife. The principle of cellulite exercises with a hoop is the same as with a rope, twisting it should not quantity, as we like, but at the time. Hoop fell - rose and abruptly on, and so for 15 minutes. Warning More than 15 minutes can turn the hoop, especially at night, excessive blood flow to the pelvis and the stomach is undesirable. 15 minutes, spun - exercise done, all thanks, and you will benefit immensely.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Slimming Baths
Healing baths helps to loose weight. Everybody knows that the bath has a wonderful relaxing effect on the human body. Healing baths allow longer maintain the beauty and power of the body, they are perfectly toned skin, and more - help to lose weight and overcome cellulite.
Soda bath. Let's start with soda. Dissolve in warm water 125 grams of ordinary soda, 150 grams of sea salt and just a few drops of lavender alcohol. Soda has a softening effect on the skin tones of sea salt and fragrant lavender not only help to relax, but also make your pastime in the bathroom is very nice. Enjoy the process of around half an hour, then attach the result of peeling using a mixture of the same soda and honey, rinse under the shower and quietly go to sleep.
Sea Salt bath. Sea salt is widely known as one of the main anti-cellulite funds in cosmetology. In warm water, add 350 grams of sea salt and lie in the water about 20 minutes, imagining that you are not in the bathroom, and on the coast. The longest you should not lie too long, because the skin can become irritated. And 20 minutes in a tub enough to throw off about a pound of excess weight. Sea salt is a beneficial effect on skin condition, making it more elastic and silky. Furthermore, such a bath will help relieve stress and get rid of fatigue.
Bath with aromatic oils. Excellent effect give baths with essential oils, particularly citrus oils. Suffice it to drip 6 drops of oil of some citrus in warm water, soak up the fragrant little water for about 20 minutes, and you immediately feel the burst of vitality and energy. Essential oils are able to regulate fat metabolism and stimulate the output of slag. With these abilities essential oils, you can get rid of excess weight, getting extra pleasure of fresh, invigorating aroma of grapefruit, orange or other citrus. A little tip: before you dilute the oil in the bathroom, mix it with a small handful of sea salt, which does not allow oil blurred aesthetic little circles on the water surface.
Linden bath. Everyone knows that the lime color is an excellent diaphoretic, but few of us use the excellent quality of lime for weight loss, withdrawal of excess liquid and slag from the body. You should! Counterfeit baths - a wonderful opportunity to lose weight and improve skin condition. In broth for lime bath may include not only the flowers or leaves of lime, and bark, seeds or buds of the medicinal tree. At 5 liters of water takes 300 grams of raw materials. Once the broth boils, turning off the fire, and broth argue about a quarter of an hour. Then add the strained broth into the water for a bath. Tub should take no more than 15 minutes, then better go to bed. In the morning you can enjoy an excellent result: extra pound as had happened, and the skin became velvety and fresh.
Frequency of use baths also plays an important role: experts recommend taking them two days before going to bed, then two days break. Nuance - in connection with the strong effect sudorific use lime more than once a week is impossible. Would you like to take baths more often, use lime instead of nettles, plantain and dandelion, they are also very well stimulate the metabolism.
Soda bath. Let's start with soda. Dissolve in warm water 125 grams of ordinary soda, 150 grams of sea salt and just a few drops of lavender alcohol. Soda has a softening effect on the skin tones of sea salt and fragrant lavender not only help to relax, but also make your pastime in the bathroom is very nice. Enjoy the process of around half an hour, then attach the result of peeling using a mixture of the same soda and honey, rinse under the shower and quietly go to sleep.
Sea Salt bath. Sea salt is widely known as one of the main anti-cellulite funds in cosmetology. In warm water, add 350 grams of sea salt and lie in the water about 20 minutes, imagining that you are not in the bathroom, and on the coast. The longest you should not lie too long, because the skin can become irritated. And 20 minutes in a tub enough to throw off about a pound of excess weight. Sea salt is a beneficial effect on skin condition, making it more elastic and silky. Furthermore, such a bath will help relieve stress and get rid of fatigue.
Bath with aromatic oils. Excellent effect give baths with essential oils, particularly citrus oils. Suffice it to drip 6 drops of oil of some citrus in warm water, soak up the fragrant little water for about 20 minutes, and you immediately feel the burst of vitality and energy. Essential oils are able to regulate fat metabolism and stimulate the output of slag. With these abilities essential oils, you can get rid of excess weight, getting extra pleasure of fresh, invigorating aroma of grapefruit, orange or other citrus. A little tip: before you dilute the oil in the bathroom, mix it with a small handful of sea salt, which does not allow oil blurred aesthetic little circles on the water surface.
Linden bath. Everyone knows that the lime color is an excellent diaphoretic, but few of us use the excellent quality of lime for weight loss, withdrawal of excess liquid and slag from the body. You should! Counterfeit baths - a wonderful opportunity to lose weight and improve skin condition. In broth for lime bath may include not only the flowers or leaves of lime, and bark, seeds or buds of the medicinal tree. At 5 liters of water takes 300 grams of raw materials. Once the broth boils, turning off the fire, and broth argue about a quarter of an hour. Then add the strained broth into the water for a bath. Tub should take no more than 15 minutes, then better go to bed. In the morning you can enjoy an excellent result: extra pound as had happened, and the skin became velvety and fresh.
Frequency of use baths also plays an important role: experts recommend taking them two days before going to bed, then two days break. Nuance - in connection with the strong effect sudorific use lime more than once a week is impossible. Would you like to take baths more often, use lime instead of nettles, plantain and dandelion, they are also very well stimulate the metabolism.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Sports or Diet? What to Choose.
Female Professionals in the field of obesity have argued that the acquisition of a harmonious figure are equally important two factors: physical exercise and proper diet. Recent research has shown that diet and sports have different health effects.
It turns out that certain types of diets can be useful to Exercise. In particular, this applies to low-calorie diets.
This diet works better in reducing weight than sport, to the same has many advantages. U.S. scientists have proved that low-calorie diet slows aging and prolongs life.
Moreover, this type of diet helps the work of the heart by lowering "bad" cholesterol and raising levels of "good".
It turns out that certain types of diets can be useful to Exercise. In particular, this applies to low-calorie diets.
This diet works better in reducing weight than sport, to the same has many advantages. U.S. scientists have proved that low-calorie diet slows aging and prolongs life.
Moreover, this type of diet helps the work of the heart by lowering "bad" cholesterol and raising levels of "good".
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Cellulite - fat deposits or disease?
Cellulite - is not the usual obesity. Ministry of Health of France, for example, have formally recognized his illness subcutaneous adipose tissue. Depending on the processes occurring in tissues differentiate fat, juicy and fibrous forms of cellulitis. Last, the most difficult to treat.
2. Who is exposed to cellulite?
Cellulites affects eight out of ten women - regardless of age, body build, weight and physical activity. It can be formed as early as fourteen years.
3. How cellulite is formed?
In healthy fat cells waste products go through the pores of the cell membrane and are carried away by the flow of blood. Violations of this mechanism leads to cellulite: membrane pores are blocked, waste products derived cells are not "outside", and the cell itself is calcined. These cells are grouped to form the connective tissue in solid to the touch islands that block the blood supply and lymphatic flow, which leads to further calcification of fat cells. If the compressed nerve endings, there are painful feelings. In addition, cellulite cells have a tendency to attract water, causing swelling of affected areas.
4. What causes cellulite?
As shown by studies in recent years, the main cause - hormonal disorders. Jogging moments in the development of cellulite - pregnancy, adolescence and menopause, the beginning and end of the course taking contraceptive pills. The development of cellulite is also influenced by poor diet, stress, pollution, lack of physical activity. Important role played by genetic predisposition.
5. How to diagnose cellulite?
To do this, gently squeeze the skin between thumb and index finger: the appearance of bumps - the so-called "orange peel" - demonstrates the initial stage of cellulite. It usually attacks the thighs, buttocks, popliteal depression, upper arms and abdomen.
6. Do the special of cellulite fat burners?
Weight loss products - an excellent tool: they are effective, if the cells retained normal capacity for work. If cellulite has gained in strength and cellular pores virtually blocked, then the funds should work well in combination with other methods of correction of cellulite.
7. How to fight cellulite?
To solve the problem of cellulite offered a whole galaxy of funds, the main representative of which is Hydroxycut.
Hydroxycut does not allow fluid to accumulate in the subcutaneous tissue, making it a homogeneous structure, without cellulite nodes, restores the walls of fat cells, increases blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Major components have pronounced antitsellyutnymi properties due to its unique vitamin and mineral composition. Contain natural phytohormones, the lack of which contributes to the appearance of cellulite. In addition, the regular occurrence primeneniepreduprezhdaet rastyazhekna skin.
8. What other methods are used today to treat cellulite?
Electrical stimulation of muscles and skin improves blood circulation and lymph flow, but if the blood and lymph vessels crushed cellulite islands, it is unfortunately of little help. This method is effective only after the removal of blocking factors. Massage and brush massage - the most effective prevention tools: they help improve blood circulation. However, massage is rarely "split" fossilized cells.
Tsellyulolipoliz - subcutaneous electrostimulation using special electrodes. This method is combined with manual massage to improve lymphatic outflow and quite effective if the patient is not frightened dvadtsatisantimetrovyh needles.
Liposuction - liposuction using a special syringe - is now widespread throughout the world. The method is effective for removal of fatty deposits only in certain places and not very effective, with significant excess weight and a uniform increase in the fat layer on the entire surface of the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. In both cases, everything depends on the skill and experience of the doctor. Furthermore, we must be prepared for complications that accompany any surgical intervention.
Ultrasound treatment - a relatively new method, based on the same principle that applies when removing plaque and fragmentation of kidney stones. The length of the ultrasonic wave can "split" soda cage and return it to viability. Ideally, the method is combined with a special manual massage to improve lymph drainage. However, before you rush to eliminate cellulite using these methods, do not forget to consult with your doctor if you show these procedures.
Cellulite - is not the usual obesity. Ministry of Health of France, for example, have formally recognized his illness subcutaneous adipose tissue. Depending on the processes occurring in tissues differentiate fat, juicy and fibrous forms of cellulitis. Last, the most difficult to treat.
2. Who is exposed to cellulite?
Cellulites affects eight out of ten women - regardless of age, body build, weight and physical activity. It can be formed as early as fourteen years.
3. How cellulite is formed?
In healthy fat cells waste products go through the pores of the cell membrane and are carried away by the flow of blood. Violations of this mechanism leads to cellulite: membrane pores are blocked, waste products derived cells are not "outside", and the cell itself is calcined. These cells are grouped to form the connective tissue in solid to the touch islands that block the blood supply and lymphatic flow, which leads to further calcification of fat cells. If the compressed nerve endings, there are painful feelings. In addition, cellulite cells have a tendency to attract water, causing swelling of affected areas.
4. What causes cellulite?
As shown by studies in recent years, the main cause - hormonal disorders. Jogging moments in the development of cellulite - pregnancy, adolescence and menopause, the beginning and end of the course taking contraceptive pills. The development of cellulite is also influenced by poor diet, stress, pollution, lack of physical activity. Important role played by genetic predisposition.
5. How to diagnose cellulite?
To do this, gently squeeze the skin between thumb and index finger: the appearance of bumps - the so-called "orange peel" - demonstrates the initial stage of cellulite. It usually attacks the thighs, buttocks, popliteal depression, upper arms and abdomen.
6. Do the special of cellulite fat burners?
Weight loss products - an excellent tool: they are effective, if the cells retained normal capacity for work. If cellulite has gained in strength and cellular pores virtually blocked, then the funds should work well in combination with other methods of correction of cellulite.
7. How to fight cellulite?
To solve the problem of cellulite offered a whole galaxy of funds, the main representative of which is Hydroxycut.
Hydroxycut does not allow fluid to accumulate in the subcutaneous tissue, making it a homogeneous structure, without cellulite nodes, restores the walls of fat cells, increases blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Major components have pronounced antitsellyutnymi properties due to its unique vitamin and mineral composition. Contain natural phytohormones, the lack of which contributes to the appearance of cellulite. In addition, the regular occurrence primeneniepreduprezhdaet rastyazhekna skin.
8. What other methods are used today to treat cellulite?
Electrical stimulation of muscles and skin improves blood circulation and lymph flow, but if the blood and lymph vessels crushed cellulite islands, it is unfortunately of little help. This method is effective only after the removal of blocking factors. Massage and brush massage - the most effective prevention tools: they help improve blood circulation. However, massage is rarely "split" fossilized cells.
Tsellyulolipoliz - subcutaneous electrostimulation using special electrodes. This method is combined with manual massage to improve lymphatic outflow and quite effective if the patient is not frightened dvadtsatisantimetrovyh needles.
Liposuction - liposuction using a special syringe - is now widespread throughout the world. The method is effective for removal of fatty deposits only in certain places and not very effective, with significant excess weight and a uniform increase in the fat layer on the entire surface of the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. In both cases, everything depends on the skill and experience of the doctor. Furthermore, we must be prepared for complications that accompany any surgical intervention.
Ultrasound treatment - a relatively new method, based on the same principle that applies when removing plaque and fragmentation of kidney stones. The length of the ultrasonic wave can "split" soda cage and return it to viability. Ideally, the method is combined with a special manual massage to improve lymph drainage. However, before you rush to eliminate cellulite using these methods, do not forget to consult with your doctor if you show these procedures.
Friday, February 5, 2010
20 Rules For Fat Burning
Many woman face the problem of excess weight, but just enough time to solve it. There are a few simple rules that do not allow fat to be formed here and there. And help get rid of already accumulated "surplus"
Rule 1
Reduce consumption of sugar. If you eat a lot of sugar, the body immediately "postponed" its reserve. He simply can not spend all received calories.
Rule 2
Interested in what you eat.
Find out the usual kind of calories you eat, and cook for myself write themselves, instead of a meal "to take away or eat in the city. Who knows what goes into your body when you eat in the cafe!
Rule 3
Eat less fatty foods.
Cut the number of saturated fats, such as those found, for example, red meat and fatty or fried foods.
Rule 4
Do not believe their eyes.
Stop trusting "fat-free foods" because most of it contains "hidden" fats, which are either artificial or fat substitutes that cause you more harm than saturated. These fats are called trans-fats or hydrogenated fats.
Rule 5
In food, observe the sense of proportion.
Whatever the food, too much of her body is not able to process and use, and therefore lay down "in reserve". Listen to your body, and it lets you know when saturated.
Rule 6
Less carbs, more protein.
You do not want to cut the number of carbohydrates consumed, because they are a good source of energy. Then select from healthy carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole wheat bread and vegetarian pasta. Chicken, turkey, white pork, lean red meat, fish and egg whites for themselves, choose lean meats and low-fat products.
Rule 7
Eat outside the home? Eat only diet foods.
When you do not cook themselves, then ordered only lean meat or vegetarian food, and no fried or steamed potatoes, fried chicken and juicy and fatty burgers.
Rule 8
Eat 5-6 times per day in small portions.
Always try to have a little, at least 5-6 times during the day. This will allow you to maintain metabolism at a high level. Never skip meals, because it slows down the metabolism and the body lays more fat.
Rule 9
At the end of the day take a very healthy food.
Try the afternoon is lean meat and green vegetables. No carbs and sugar! Metabolism decreases.
Rule 10
Drink more.
High content of water in the body is very important for the health of the immune system, skin, and "clear" their heads.
Rule 11
Drink more tea or coffee ..
If you are very tolerant of caffeine, drink a small cup of coffee or tea in the morning. That cheer you.
Rule 12
Must go walk or perform any other exercise for the cardiovascular system for at least 20-30 minutes a day.
Rule 13
Walk on foot as much as possible.
Do not miss any opportunity to walk, even if you are on the machine. Its because you can park a little farther than usual?!
Rule 14
Refuse from the elevator and escalator in favor of the same walk ..
Walking will increase your blood flow and allow you to burn a little fat.
Rule 15
Get started weight training either by themselves or with the instructor ..
Start with two or three approaches to 10-15 repetitions. More often make a banner, to improve their flexibility and increase blood circulation. Training with weights contribute to the growth of muscles, which help to burn fat even when you sleep.
Rule 16
On leave to play sports.
When you're on vacation, try to do sports every day. This will help you burn more calories that you consume, and free you from feelings of guilt when you return home.
Rule 17
Sleep at least 8 hours a day. If necessary, can take a nap the day ..
You should sleep at least 8 hours at night. It is desirable, and daytime sleep of 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. Such a regime will remain strong, not only you but also your immune system, and you will feel good spirits throughout the day.
Rule 18
Eliminates stress.
Minimize all stressful situations, so that later those same situations do not have to "seize".
Rule 19
Use a band-aid for weight loss or a belt for weight loss.
In combination with a healthy diet, they will help you rapidly lose weight.
Rule 20
Buy breeches, pants or shorts for weight loss.
Clothing slimming can be used both at home and on the street during the summer. For example, in the pants to lose weight, you can do sports or just cleaning the house, parallel to the burning excess fat.
Rule 1
Reduce consumption of sugar. If you eat a lot of sugar, the body immediately "postponed" its reserve. He simply can not spend all received calories.
Rule 2
Interested in what you eat.
Find out the usual kind of calories you eat, and cook for myself write themselves, instead of a meal "to take away or eat in the city. Who knows what goes into your body when you eat in the cafe!
Rule 3
Eat less fatty foods.
Cut the number of saturated fats, such as those found, for example, red meat and fatty or fried foods.
Rule 4
Do not believe their eyes.
Stop trusting "fat-free foods" because most of it contains "hidden" fats, which are either artificial or fat substitutes that cause you more harm than saturated. These fats are called trans-fats or hydrogenated fats.
Rule 5
In food, observe the sense of proportion.
Whatever the food, too much of her body is not able to process and use, and therefore lay down "in reserve". Listen to your body, and it lets you know when saturated.
Rule 6
Less carbs, more protein.
You do not want to cut the number of carbohydrates consumed, because they are a good source of energy. Then select from healthy carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole wheat bread and vegetarian pasta. Chicken, turkey, white pork, lean red meat, fish and egg whites for themselves, choose lean meats and low-fat products.
Rule 7
Eat outside the home? Eat only diet foods.
When you do not cook themselves, then ordered only lean meat or vegetarian food, and no fried or steamed potatoes, fried chicken and juicy and fatty burgers.
Rule 8
Eat 5-6 times per day in small portions.
Always try to have a little, at least 5-6 times during the day. This will allow you to maintain metabolism at a high level. Never skip meals, because it slows down the metabolism and the body lays more fat.
Rule 9
At the end of the day take a very healthy food.
Try the afternoon is lean meat and green vegetables. No carbs and sugar! Metabolism decreases.
Rule 10
Drink more.
High content of water in the body is very important for the health of the immune system, skin, and "clear" their heads.
Rule 11
Drink more tea or coffee ..
If you are very tolerant of caffeine, drink a small cup of coffee or tea in the morning. That cheer you.
Rule 12
Must go walk or perform any other exercise for the cardiovascular system for at least 20-30 minutes a day.
Rule 13
Walk on foot as much as possible.
Do not miss any opportunity to walk, even if you are on the machine. Its because you can park a little farther than usual?!
Rule 14
Refuse from the elevator and escalator in favor of the same walk ..
Walking will increase your blood flow and allow you to burn a little fat.
Rule 15
Get started weight training either by themselves or with the instructor ..
Start with two or three approaches to 10-15 repetitions. More often make a banner, to improve their flexibility and increase blood circulation. Training with weights contribute to the growth of muscles, which help to burn fat even when you sleep.
Rule 16
On leave to play sports.
When you're on vacation, try to do sports every day. This will help you burn more calories that you consume, and free you from feelings of guilt when you return home.
Rule 17
Sleep at least 8 hours a day. If necessary, can take a nap the day ..
You should sleep at least 8 hours at night. It is desirable, and daytime sleep of 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. Such a regime will remain strong, not only you but also your immune system, and you will feel good spirits throughout the day.
Rule 18
Eliminates stress.
Minimize all stressful situations, so that later those same situations do not have to "seize".
Rule 19
Use a band-aid for weight loss or a belt for weight loss.
In combination with a healthy diet, they will help you rapidly lose weight.
Rule 20
Buy breeches, pants or shorts for weight loss.
Clothing slimming can be used both at home and on the street during the summer. For example, in the pants to lose weight, you can do sports or just cleaning the house, parallel to the burning excess fat.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Strong and Beautiful Buttocks.
According to statistical surveys among men, most of the respondents worried elastic and beautiful buttocks. It is this part of the female body attracts the main attention of men. And to constantly worry about your partner, to catch him interested and excited eyes, not too lazy to perform daily special course - exercises for buttocks.
Exercises for the buttocks:
Preparation: Lie on your back, push the blade to the floor, put a foot on the floor, knees bent and ankles together. Hold a towel between his knees.
Buttocks exercise: Hold the towel tightly squeezed between the knees, lift the buttocks off the floor, vertebra by vertebra over. Squeeze your knees together for 20 seconds, then squeezing harder for 20 seconds, then very much in 20 seconds - take this as one repetition. Vertebra for vertebra, slowly lower your back on the floor. Feel the stretch back.
Reps: 5 times
Ensure that your back does not hog. Keep your neck and shoulders relaxed.
Remember that you have set for themselves the main objective to get a good form of gluteal muscles, and they should work with most studies on the program. Keep your breath, select a rate class, where you can breathe easily and freely.
Particularly well to combine exercise with massage, can do it yourself, for this while taking a morning shower in the buttocks, use hard sponges, massage with special anti-cellulite nozzles.
Caring for your figure, remember, regular exercise for the buttocks - is the key to your success. If you really want to have beautiful and elastic bottoms, you should conduct regular training and exercises for our buttocks will help you in this. But laziness in this case you do not assistant!
Exercises for the buttocks:
Preparation: Lie on your back, push the blade to the floor, put a foot on the floor, knees bent and ankles together. Hold a towel between his knees.
Buttocks exercise: Hold the towel tightly squeezed between the knees, lift the buttocks off the floor, vertebra by vertebra over. Squeeze your knees together for 20 seconds, then squeezing harder for 20 seconds, then very much in 20 seconds - take this as one repetition. Vertebra for vertebra, slowly lower your back on the floor. Feel the stretch back.
Reps: 5 times
Ensure that your back does not hog. Keep your neck and shoulders relaxed.
Remember that you have set for themselves the main objective to get a good form of gluteal muscles, and they should work with most studies on the program. Keep your breath, select a rate class, where you can breathe easily and freely.
Particularly well to combine exercise with massage, can do it yourself, for this while taking a morning shower in the buttocks, use hard sponges, massage with special anti-cellulite nozzles.
Caring for your figure, remember, regular exercise for the buttocks - is the key to your success. If you really want to have beautiful and elastic bottoms, you should conduct regular training and exercises for our buttocks will help you in this. But laziness in this case you do not assistant!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
How to Lose Weight in One Day
Everyone has known that in order to look good, we should regularly do exercises for the muscles, diet, healthy lifestyle. It turns out this is not at all, and many of these tolerated. However, when it comes to the party, here too every girl wants to show itself only with the best hand.
Opinion polls showed that most of the shortcomings of the external representatives of the fair sex are concerned first and foremost, excessive fullness. To fight it you can - there are many different diets and fitness programs aimed at reducing weight, but what if you stayed up to party one day?
Do not despair. Today, to help all those who turned out in such a difficult situation, coming stars of show business with his invaluable advice on how to lose weight in one day and have the evening to be in the spotlight at any party.
1. The day before a party you can make your stomach flat, if you reduce the content of the fluid in the body, advises well-known singer Mariah Carrey. You can either just use less liquid, or buy in a pharmacy special preparations on the basis of sea salt and algae, which reduce the content of the fluid in the body. The next day, however, is not recommended to drink plenty of water, salt and sugar. This may adversely affect your health.
2. Victoria Beckham advises to use tan. Should apply a thin layer of tan on the places that you want to hide. If you do everything correctly, then the impression that you have a muscle, not fat. But to not get worse, Victoria advised to apply to a special room, where the solution to your problem will take the professionals.
3. Visagistes of celebrities say that many of the shortcomings of your body can be corrected with the help of makeup. By increasing the expressiveness of the eyes, lips and cheekbones, you can create the illusion of a refined person. If done correctly, the eyes of many will be turned on your face, rather than on the body.
4. Bridget Jones advises poddevat tight-fitting elastic shorts. This she learned from her grandmother. They can be purchased at a drugstore or sporting goods stores. "Good elasticity shorts will make you slimmer without dieting and health damage", - says Jones.
5. Stay bearing. This is nothing new, but the correct posture "will make" you higher in the 2-3 cm, which means slimmer (developed special exercises for back muscles). Stylists recommend exactly keep his head above the widely straightened his shoulders. The chin should be slightly raised. Nothing complicated about it is not the only difficulty is to make the correct posture a habit.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Body Care.
Body Care is the explicit part of care. The slim, slim body - a healthy, normal metabolic processes in the body, ease of movement, adequate lymph flow, good mood and self-confidence. A balanced diet and exercise - the mandatory conditions in the care of the body, but in most cases insufficient.
Body Scrub removes dead skin cells, stimulates cell renewal, increases their viability. After treatment the skin is cleaned, polished and becomes soft, smooth and silky.
Restorative procedure includes cleansing the skin with body scrub and application aroma wraps. Relieves stress, improves mood, activates blood and lymph circulation, contributes to raising the vitality, the removal of excess fluid and deep skin hydration.
Firming treatment includes a purifying scrub and aroma full body massage using aromatherapy oils. Firming a mixture of oils of grapefruit, lemon, geranium, cypress, magnolia and black pepper helps to improve circulation and restore the internal balance of the organism.
Stone therapy runs hot and cold stones with aromatic oils. Hot stones effectively release muscle tension, improve blood circulation, removing stagnation. Tonic effect of cold stone gives the skin a nice even color and pleasant feelings.
Body wraps.
Wraps Algae Spirulina - a cleansing, moisturizing, a highly procedure, which enhances blood circulation and metabolism, the removal of excess fluid, improve body shape and provides an instant burst of energy. Ideal for dry skin.
Mud Wrap. Black mud deep cleanses the skin, removing the keratin particles, stimulates cell renewal, nourishes the body with vitamins and minerals. Using thermal blanket increases the penetration of active ingredients. Ends of the application of therapeutic cream rich in minerals and aromatherapy oils. Mud Wrap gives good results in the problem of inflamed skin.
Anti-cellulite body wrap done a course of 10-15 procedures. Leather noticeably aligned, looks more lean. Very significantly reduced volumes, as well as the loss of excess fluid.
Body Scrub removes dead skin cells, stimulates cell renewal, increases their viability. After treatment the skin is cleaned, polished and becomes soft, smooth and silky.
Restorative procedure includes cleansing the skin with body scrub and application aroma wraps. Relieves stress, improves mood, activates blood and lymph circulation, contributes to raising the vitality, the removal of excess fluid and deep skin hydration.
Firming treatment includes a purifying scrub and aroma full body massage using aromatherapy oils. Firming a mixture of oils of grapefruit, lemon, geranium, cypress, magnolia and black pepper helps to improve circulation and restore the internal balance of the organism.
Stone therapy runs hot and cold stones with aromatic oils. Hot stones effectively release muscle tension, improve blood circulation, removing stagnation. Tonic effect of cold stone gives the skin a nice even color and pleasant feelings.
Body wraps.
Wraps Algae Spirulina - a cleansing, moisturizing, a highly procedure, which enhances blood circulation and metabolism, the removal of excess fluid, improve body shape and provides an instant burst of energy. Ideal for dry skin.
Mud Wrap. Black mud deep cleanses the skin, removing the keratin particles, stimulates cell renewal, nourishes the body with vitamins and minerals. Using thermal blanket increases the penetration of active ingredients. Ends of the application of therapeutic cream rich in minerals and aromatherapy oils. Mud Wrap gives good results in the problem of inflamed skin.
Anti-cellulite body wrap done a course of 10-15 procedures. Leather noticeably aligned, looks more lean. Very significantly reduced volumes, as well as the loss of excess fluid.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Weight Reduction or Weight Loss - What to Choose
Weight loss, slimming the minds of most people there is a perception that weight reduction is equivalent to losing weight, and success in achieving the desired shape is measured by dropping the weight in kilograms. But let us look at what may be "folded" weight.
Take in consideration of several options. The first - a man sat on a newly-cool semi-starvation diet (a huge calorie deficit), the second - the person is moderately restricted calorie intake, but it is a sedentary lifestyle or undertake only cardio-load, and the third option - the person is moderately restricted calorie intake and weight training in conducting gym (2-3 times per week).
Developments in the first version is very predictable - a person loses a lot of weight in a short time, sometimes with 1 kg per day. But, unfortunately, most of the lost weight falls on the water (about 50%). Why? Everything is simple - carbohydrate intake is minimized, and the sugar accumulated in the muscles, holds plenty of water. Accumulated carbohydrates are burned, releasing large amounts of water. Often, restricted and salt intake, which also in turn displays the water. To throw the weight as is muscle, because the protein is stored in the form of muscles, is the only nutrient that can be converted into glucose. And glucose is necessary for the successful establishment of the whole organism. Exception is the mode of ketones, but to achieve this mode takes a long time of adaptation. Yes, and the regime itself after it leads to a progressive recruitment of fat mass. So, the muscles constitute approximatively one third of throws off the weight. The remaining 20% are really fat, but for the time being, until the body can not move to a more economical mode. Often, this occurs in 3-4 days. Then the proportion of fat lost by the weight decreases, preferring only muscle mass.

All this outrage lasts for as long as people do not fall through. And as soon as it happens, tortured and taught by experience the first thing the body will begin to accumulate fat mass, in order to avoid an energy crisis in the next time. Note that muscle mass without accompanying weight training and does not return to the original level. As a result, the old man gaining weight (and even with plus), but the percentage of fat is now greater than it was before the diet.
Option Two - people moderately restricted calorie, but leads a sedentary life. Yes, the weight will drop, but much slower than in the first case. Proportion of weight accounted for by oil, will be more. But the muscles in cutting calories will be burned by the body, for the same reasons as described above. As a result, the body over time adapts to the lack of calories and quite simply reduce their need for them. It is difficult to track - a little slow heart rate, body temperature dropped to fractions of a degree, but it will already be enough to get rid of the deficit. On the other hand cardio load process will reduce weight quickly. They accelerate all processes - and the loss of fat and burning muscle and adaptation of the organism to the deficiency.
Option three - a moderate reduction in calories and weight training. Our bodies - just a clever self-regulating system and he can not afford to simultaneous recovery of the tissue and its combustion for energy purposes. But any injury associated with health risks, and the organism responds to its priority the restoration of damage. Traumatizing the muscle fiber weight-training, we force our body to restore them. Moderately curtailing caloric while we do not give the body an opportunity supercompensation these fibers, but burn existing in doing so he will not. Lose weight but will be less than in the previous two cases, but it will be 100% made up of fatty deposits. And habituation of the organism to such a regime can be stretched for years, but if you vary the diet and exercise, the device did not happen. The result - long-term possibility of losing only fat as long as you're happy with your body, regardless of how many extra pounds of fat.
There are also instances when the power slightly pared down, and varying mode allows you to simultaneously build muscle and burn fat. From this it follows that no weight will be reduced, and sometimes will grow, with a decrease in percentage body fat.
To sum up - weight loss does not always mean fat loss.
Take in consideration of several options. The first - a man sat on a newly-cool semi-starvation diet (a huge calorie deficit), the second - the person is moderately restricted calorie intake, but it is a sedentary lifestyle or undertake only cardio-load, and the third option - the person is moderately restricted calorie intake and weight training in conducting gym (2-3 times per week).
Developments in the first version is very predictable - a person loses a lot of weight in a short time, sometimes with 1 kg per day. But, unfortunately, most of the lost weight falls on the water (about 50%). Why? Everything is simple - carbohydrate intake is minimized, and the sugar accumulated in the muscles, holds plenty of water. Accumulated carbohydrates are burned, releasing large amounts of water. Often, restricted and salt intake, which also in turn displays the water. To throw the weight as is muscle, because the protein is stored in the form of muscles, is the only nutrient that can be converted into glucose. And glucose is necessary for the successful establishment of the whole organism. Exception is the mode of ketones, but to achieve this mode takes a long time of adaptation. Yes, and the regime itself after it leads to a progressive recruitment of fat mass. So, the muscles constitute approximatively one third of throws off the weight. The remaining 20% are really fat, but for the time being, until the body can not move to a more economical mode. Often, this occurs in 3-4 days. Then the proportion of fat lost by the weight decreases, preferring only muscle mass.

All this outrage lasts for as long as people do not fall through. And as soon as it happens, tortured and taught by experience the first thing the body will begin to accumulate fat mass, in order to avoid an energy crisis in the next time. Note that muscle mass without accompanying weight training and does not return to the original level. As a result, the old man gaining weight (and even with plus), but the percentage of fat is now greater than it was before the diet.
Option Two - people moderately restricted calorie, but leads a sedentary life. Yes, the weight will drop, but much slower than in the first case. Proportion of weight accounted for by oil, will be more. But the muscles in cutting calories will be burned by the body, for the same reasons as described above. As a result, the body over time adapts to the lack of calories and quite simply reduce their need for them. It is difficult to track - a little slow heart rate, body temperature dropped to fractions of a degree, but it will already be enough to get rid of the deficit. On the other hand cardio load process will reduce weight quickly. They accelerate all processes - and the loss of fat and burning muscle and adaptation of the organism to the deficiency.
Option three - a moderate reduction in calories and weight training. Our bodies - just a clever self-regulating system and he can not afford to simultaneous recovery of the tissue and its combustion for energy purposes. But any injury associated with health risks, and the organism responds to its priority the restoration of damage. Traumatizing the muscle fiber weight-training, we force our body to restore them. Moderately curtailing caloric while we do not give the body an opportunity supercompensation these fibers, but burn existing in doing so he will not. Lose weight but will be less than in the previous two cases, but it will be 100% made up of fatty deposits. And habituation of the organism to such a regime can be stretched for years, but if you vary the diet and exercise, the device did not happen. The result - long-term possibility of losing only fat as long as you're happy with your body, regardless of how many extra pounds of fat.
There are also instances when the power slightly pared down, and varying mode allows you to simultaneously build muscle and burn fat. From this it follows that no weight will be reduced, and sometimes will grow, with a decrease in percentage body fat.
To sum up - weight loss does not always mean fat loss.
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